Please note that listed products can often be supplied in a variety of sizes and specs, as well as both freeze-dried and fresh frozen preservation to suit your needs. For more information or to order call 215-514-2955.
Used for: used around implant site in conjunction with implant to promote new growth,
ridge and sinus augmentation, bone void filler
Used for: collagen grafting membrane
Used for: bone volume regeneration, jaw reconstruction
Used for: osteoinductive bone void filler is 100% allograft with no carrier
“Here at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, our preferred vendor for all allografts is Cassidy Medical. Their inventory is extensive and their deliveries are always timely.
I highly recommend them!”
- Melissa Torres, Inventory Control Tech-Orthopedics,
Thomas Jefferson University Hospital
"I know I can depend on Cassidy Medical to provide the high quality allograft we need in a timely way. Cassidy is always my first choice!"
- Sharon Pikalow, OR Coordinator, Dover Surgery Center
“For the last five years, I’ve purchased all my Dental Bone from Cassidy Medical. Their product is far and away the best; my patients heal quickly, and the results are consistent. I highly recommend Cassidy Medical.”
- Michael Bianchi, DDS, Chief of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
– St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children in Philadelphia Department Chairman, Drexel University College of Medicine/Hahnemann Hospital - Division of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery